Sunny is ball crazy but not completely obsessed so I don't have to hide the balls when we aren't playing. Therefore, there might be half a dozen tennis balls laying around the living room floor at any given time.
Sometimes when it is time to go out for a walk (or a "quick pee" depending on the weather), he decides he wants it to be an outside ball game, so he grabs up a ball and gets a little hyper.
Our normal winter routine at the door consists of me putting on a coat, shoes, gloves and sunglasses, and then asking him to get his leash. If he doesn't have ball on the brain, he will pick up his leash and hand it to me, and then sit for me to clip it to his collar.
If he does have ball on the brain, forget the leash trick. I have to bend over and pick up the leash. Then I have to ask him to sit, at which point the ball comes flying out of his mouth. He chases it around, accidentally kicks it a few times, but eventually returns to the doorway with it in his mouth.
"Sunny, Sit". Butt goes down, ball goes flying out of the mouth. And around and around we go. I suddenly realized today that he was executing the "spit" command right on cue!
Eventually I get him to leave the ball where it lands and sit for the leashing up, but he keeps his eye on the ball, fuzzy forehead all wrinkled up with intense focus.
As soon as the door is open and the "Let's go" command is given, he pops off his butt and, almost in one motion, picks up the ball and runs out the door. I will have to see if I can capture this on a short video clip on my new cellular communication and recording device (CCRD).