Saturday, May 8, 2010

Colorado in My Rearview Mirror

Our last week in CO might have been a little stressful for the dogs (this final morning photo of them guarding my bedding was NOT posed). I kept imagining that perhaps one of them was remembering the last time a family packed up and then the bad things that happened after that - being abandoned or who knows what. I just don't know how anybody could have given up these two amazing creatures.

I tried to leave them alone as little as possible this week, and not at all after large items started leaving the house. At one point, Sunny slipped into the back corner of a closet and curled up in a scared little ball. I invited him right back out and smothered him with hugs and promised I wasn't moving away without him. And then I dug up a tennis ball to get his mind off things. Star wouldn't let me out of her sight when we were out and about and a friend was holding the leash.

I tried to hit as many dog parks as possible - to give them the distraction, and also because they don't have amazing dog parks like these where we're moving. Star showed off some great new moves.

And Sunny finally got to play ball to his heart's content, and I saw no soreness in the new knee.

Now the U-haul truck and my Pilot are packed, thanks to the help of a few good friends. We'll have a farewell supper with some other friends tonight, and then pull out in the a.m.

See ya on the other side!

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